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item7 Patagonia, item7
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Appendix 13

1957 FCP report part D Traffic possibilities for the Comodoro Rivadavia line

(the full report is available as an appendix to Chapter 7)



Comodoro Rivadavia

30.000 habitantes aproxim.
inhabitants approximately

Barrio Gral. Mosconi (Y.P.F.)

6.000 " "

" Pte. Ortíz

3.000 " "

" Petroquímica

2.500 " "

" Astra

1.500 " "

Diadema Argentina

1.500 " "


4.000 " "

Demás estaciones, pequeñas poblaciones.-
Other stations, small populations.


LANAS: Toda la zona de influencia del Ferrocarril está poblada con establicimientos ganaderos.- Como en el caso de la línea de Puerto Madryn es competida fuertemente por el camión.-
WOOL: The whole sphere of influence of the railway is served by stock enterprises. As in the case of the Puerto Madryn line there is strong competition with the lorry.

MERCADERIAS GENERALES: Escapan los datos de los volúmenes de mercaderías generales que entran a esta zona porque ello ocurre por conducto de buque y camión. pero es de suponer se importancia dada la densidad demográfica que se consigna más aquella que registran centro tales como Caleta Olivia y Cañadón Seco que se surten desde allí en forma especial.-
GENERAL MERCHANDISE: The data for the volume of general merchandise brought into the area are not available as they are brought in by ship and lorry, but it is assumed that they are important given that the population density is greater than in centres such as Caleta Olivia and Cañadon Seco which are supplied from here in special ways.

MINERALES: El petroleo es el producto explotado con intensidad. La zona se ha hido ampliando a lo largo de n/riel y ya se lo tiene en kilómetro 162 desde donde se transporta por ferrocarril, prosiguiendo los dondeos y estudios hasta Sarmiento mismo. Alejándonos del F.C. ha llegado la explotación hasta Cañadón Seco sito a 10 (?)km. de Comodoro Rivadavia al Sud con resultados por demás optimos al obtener un rinde excepcional superando al mismo Comodoro Rivadavia.-
MINERALS: Oil is the product which is intensively exploited. The area has been enlarged along the railway and already extends to Km 162 from whence it is carried by the railway. Exploration and studies continue as far as Sarmiento itself. Further from the railway, extraction has reached Cañadón Seco some (100) km from Comodoro Rivadavia to the south, with unsuccesful results in obtaining an exceptional oil field exceeding the one at Comodoro Rivadavia

A la radicación petrolífera de Y.P.F. hay que sumarle la de las empresas privadas 'Diadema Argentina S.A.' , 'Astra' , 'Compañía Argentina de Petroleo' y 'Petroquímica E.N.' lo que dá la pauta de la riqueza del subsuelo Patagónico.-
Esto infiere el transporte del mismo petróleo y los subproducto los que se hacen a los centros de consumo por buque o bién camiones tanque particulares.-
In addition to the Y.P.F. oil undertaking, there are the private enterprises 'Diadema Argentina S.A.', 'Astra', 'Compania de Petroleo' and 'Petroquímica E.N.' which show the wealth underground in Patagonia.
This implies the transport of that oil and its derived products to the centres of consumption by ship or else by private road tankers.

Page 9

INDUSTRIAS: Es de mencionar la fábrica de cemento que explota 'Petroquímica E.N.' ubicada en la zona de Comodoro Rivadavia.- Su producción es importante y uno de los adquirentes de más significados es Agua y Energía Eléctrica E.N. que lo destina a la Obra del Dique Florentino Ameghino, lo que habla de por sí de la calidad del producto.-
Atiende las necesidades regionales y hasta se hacen envios a la Capital Federal.-
Adyacente a ésta se encuentra la fábrica de Zinc.- El producto es elavorado con materia prima que proviene de la provincia de Jujuy, En lingotes sale para el norte por vía marítima.-
INDUSTRIES: It should be mentioned that the cement factory operated by 'Petroquímica E.N.' is located in the vicinity of Comodoro Rivadavia. Its production is important and one of its customers of greatest significance is 'Agua y Energía Eléctrica E.N.' for use in the Florentino Amerghino Dam, which speaks well of the product.
It serves regional needs and even sends shipments to the Federal Capital.
Next to this is the zinc factory. The product is made with raw material which originates in the Province of Jujuy. It is sent north by sea in ingot form.

VALLE SARMIENTO: Es fértil y no conoce el problema del agua.- Esta es abundante al tener don inmensos lagos el Muster y Colhue Huapí.- No está cultivado dentro de sus posibilidades y su producción absorbida por Comodoro Rivadavia, gran plaza de consumo.-
SARMIENTO VALLEY: It is fertile and does not suffer from a lack of water. This is abundant from having two big lakes, Muster and Colhue Huapí. It is not cultivated to its full potential and its production is consumed in Comodoro Rivadavia, which is a large consumer.


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Chapter 4

The FCE broad gauge network

Main pages

Ambitious plans

Towards Bariloche

And back to Viedma

Bariloche line locos

Bariloche line rolling stock

Bariloche line extra photos

From Com. Rivadavia

Com. Riv. line locos

Com. Rivadavia line extra photos

From Pto. Deseado

Pto. Des. line locos

Pto. Deseado line extra photos

Pto. Deseado line extra photos 2


1 Text of law 5559

2 Chronology of Patagonian railway proposals

3 Bariloche line route itinerary

4 Com. Rivadavia route itinerary

5 Pto. Deseado route itinerary

6 Bariloche line loco list

7 Com. Rivadavia line loco list

8 Pto. Deseado line loco list

9 FCE wagon diagrams

10 Map of Com. Rivadavia

11 Pto. Deseado lines plans

12 Examples of tickets

13 FCP 1957 report 1

14 FCP 1957 report 2

15 FCP working timetable instructions 1960

16 Report on construction 1912 A

17 Report on construction 1912 B

18 Two reports from 1912

19 Telegram about labourers •

20 Account of a journey

21 President Alcorta address

22 Purchase of rails decree

23 Purchase of wagons decree

24 Bailey Willis summary

25 Early Patagonian proposals

26 Progress to Bariloche 1926

27 Arrival at Bariloche

28 Restructuring report 1953

29 Neneo Ruca accident






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